Make Money from Blogging: Steps and Proper Methods 2024
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Make Money from Blogging: Steps and Proper Methods 2024 |
Blogging is a unique talent practiced by millions worldwide. It enables bloggers to express their thoughts and inner feelings compellingly, transforming them into printed text, images, or even digital content stored on computers or other media.
However, every blogger faces a significant opportunity: the ability to profit from blogging. Indeed, this talent can be turned into a professional skill that generates income through the Internet.
Profiting from blogging has become one of the most important ways to earn money online today, given its importance and continuous demand across various fields. In this article, I will guide you on how to earn money from blogging the right way.
I will present you with all the information and facts about profiting from blogging, starting with its definition, discussing financial estimates for those working in this field, and concluding with a review of my personal experience in profiting from blogging. Additionally, I'll cover the most important methods and steps to start on this path, ending with the conditions for working on it and the most common mistakes to avoid.
By carefully and attentively reading this article to the end, you will gain the key to your journey on the path of profiting from blogging, paving the way for you to start earning profits.
However, it's crucial to read with high accuracy, avoid rushing, and ensure full understanding and comprehension of the content. Let's begin now!
What is Making Money from Blogging and How Can It Be a Source of Income?
This question holds great importance, and it is essential to explore its answer. Profiting from blogging refers to the process of earning income through writing and publishing content on the internet.
This process goes beyond just sharing personal ideas and experiences to include providing valuable content and useful information to readers in various fields.
Blogging encompasses a variety of forms, including literary texts, analytical articles, news reports, educational lessons, website articles, and other different forms of blogging.
Thanks to this diversity and the wide range of possibilities it offers, blogging can become a source of income when bloggers leverage their writing talent and present content in ways that allow for material gain.
This is achieved through the creative and analytical abilities of bloggers in producing content that meets the needs and interests of a specific audience.
Strategically harnessing the talent of blogging allows bloggers to turn their passion into a profession that contributes to improving their living standards.
In this context, blogging is not only a means of personal or creative expression but also a platform through which tangible benefits can be achieved. Now, in the following paragraphs, you will learn some important information about the field of profiting from blogging.
Important Facts You Must Know to Make Money from Blogging
Making money from blogging is akin to any other field; each has its specific details that must be understood. Below, I'll reveal to you the most important details about this field, which will help you build a comprehensive picture and deeper understanding of it.
- Ways to Make Money from Blogging are not limited to a single method but are diverse and varied to suit different categories, skills, and interests.
- Blogging for Income is one of the most significant fields of freelance work online, growing rapidly due to the increasing demand for all types of written content.
- Online job platforms provide writers and bloggers with opportunities to secure paid writing jobs and projects from companies and clients worldwide.
- Freelance writing is among the most popular ways to earn money through blogging.
- Earnings in this field vary depending on the method used. It's important to note that making money from blogging is not a get-rich-quick path but requires long-term commitment and patience.
- Many bloggers take time to build substantial and consistent income through blogging.
- If you're a blogger with sufficient writing ability, you can easily earn money. This path is considered straightforward and less complex compared to other fields.
- When entering the path of making money from blogging, you may not earn money initially or profits may be minimal; it takes time, and you should be aware of this and not expect quick returns.
- Undoubtedly, making money from blogging allows you to practice your talent and profit from it simultaneously, which can be incredibly rewarding and highly enjoyable.
- This field is characterized by its simplicity and attractiveness, allowing you to turn your talent into a profession. However, you'll need to learn some basics and simple rules that vary depending on the type of blogging method or field.
These were the most important pieces of information about making money from blogging that I discovered through my personal experience in this field. Knowing them will certainly make a significant difference if you're considering entering this field.
You may have noticed the mention of "my personal experience" in the paragraph above! Yes, I have personal experience in making money from blogging, and I believe sharing it with you will be beneficial.
Learning from others' experiences is the best way to prepare for entering a new field, especially if that person has been working in it for years and is ready to share a summary of their experience with you! So, let's continue together as I share my experience in the following paragraphs.
My Experience in Making Money Blogging
I never expected that I would one day be able to turn my passion for blogging, which I have had since childhood, into a primary job and a main source of income that I rely on today.
Indeed, I have always loved writing and blogging from a young age, passionate about expressing my thoughts and things in my unique style. It never crossed my mind that this talent, which I am grateful for, would also become a source of income.
It all began on a cold winter night, as I wrote in my journal, and soon I started thinking: What if I could turn this talent into a source of income? At the same time, to do something I love and have a talent for is amazingly rewarding in itself.
Immediately, I began using the internet, watching videos and reading articles on Google, searching for a way to leverage my talent and earn money.
Within a few months of research, experimentation, and application, I managed to start making money from blogging and earning over $500 monthly through my words alone!
Yes, as you read, this is a true story. Thanks to God, I succeeded in building a sustainable online income by leveraging my blogging talent to earn hundreds of dollars through multiple profitable methods.
If you're interested in learning these ways to Make Money from Blogging, don't worry; I'll outline them for you now in the following paragraphs. I hope my story serves as an inspiration for you to continue your journey in this field, dear blogger.
Ways to Make Money from Blogging
Ways to Make Money from Blogging are diverse, despite the common element of blogging itself. However, each method varies in terms of advantages, disadvantages, characteristics, and expected financial returns.
In the following paragraphs, I will present to you the most prominent and effective ways to Make Money from Blogging, which are undoubtedly optimal. I will delve into each method separately, defining it, detailing it, and explaining how to start and work with it. It's crucial to read attentively as the next part holds significant importance.
1. Selling Articles
If you decide to venture into making money from blogging, you'll find that selling articles is one of the best ways in this field, a fact confirmed by experience.
Selling articles is a straightforward method that requires you to have the ability to write articles and sell them to website owners in exchange for money, covering specific topics in diverse fields such as health, medicine, politics, technology news, or educational content like app tutorials or website guides.
In this path, you'll need blogging skills, which you likely possess, and learning how to apply basic SEO (Search Engine Optimization) principles to your content. SEO involves implementing a set of rules during content writing to make it compatible with search engine algorithms like Google.
Why SEO? In this method, you'll be responsible for writing articles and selling them to website owners who want these articles to rank high in Google search results to attract visitors.
To achieve this, it will be necessary to apply SEO techniques in your articles, which are a set of guidelines and rules recommended by Google to improve the visibility of articles in search engine results.
By applying SEO techniques to your content, you'll increase the chances of your articles appearing on the first pages of Google search results, making them capable of attracting visits from Google search engines and catching readers' attention.
Therefore, you'll need to learn SEO specific to articles and content. SEO encompasses various parts, and the articles and content part is just a segment of the SEO world. YouTube and Google are rich sources of educational information that can be utilized for this purpose.
After learning content SEO, you'll qualify to write articles, but initially, it will require some practice and sufficient time to understand and absorb the field in general.
Then, you'll start building a portfolio to facilitate your acceptance into content writing jobs. When you're ready to enter the job market, you'll search for jobs that offer partial purchase of your articles or employ you on a monthly salary.
If you're asked for previous work samples, you can provide samples of your work, such as one, two, or three articles in a Word file, or build your blog on the Blogger platform where you showcase examples of your work.
By building a portfolio of work and gaining the ability to write SEO-compatible content, you'll begin searching for serious clients ready to purchase articles from you. Some of the best channels to find serious clients include:
- Freelancing platforms: These act as intermediaries between service providers, such as content writers, and individuals looking to buy these services. Through these platforms, you'll find thousands of people in need of your services. Among the best Arabic platforms are: Khamsat, Mstaml, and Kafeel.
- Facebook groups: Facebook hosts groups related to everything about websites, where many website owners interested in content writing services are present. You can join these groups and connect with hundreds of potential clients.
2. Launching a Blog
One of the best ways to make money from blogging is to create your blog and engage in regular blogging on it, then leverage this blog in various ways to earn money. This approach has been personally tried by me and many others, successfully establishing a solid income source in dollars.
Dear reader, a blog is a type of website. You launch your blog on the internet, and the articles you write on the blog become eligible to appear in Google search results.
Your blog can achieve a lot of visits if you succeed in ranking in the top search results on Google, which helps you profit by leveraging the visits to your blog.
To launch a blog, you have two platforms available to assist you: Blogger or WordPress.
My concise advice:
Use the Blogger platform because it's completely free and extremely user-friendly, making it perfectly suitable for beginners and highly reliable. On the other hand, WordPress requires more technical expertise and initial capital to start.
To thoroughly understand Blogger, from beginner to professional, and to launch your blog in less than 5 minutes and profit from it by leveraging your blogging talent, you can refer to this comprehensive guide: Profit from Blogger 2024: Step by Step.
After launching your blog, you'll benefit from your blogging skills to write articles on the topic you've chosen for your blog.
Then, you'll proceed to apply to join Google AdSense to activate ads on your blog and potentially earn thousands of dollars monthly, all of which is detailed in the article provided to you above.
3. Writing Content for Revenue-Sharing Websites
This method, relatively new, emerged not long ago when Google AdSense, specializing in advertisements, introduced a feature known as "revenue-sharing" for website owners.
This method is excellent for individuals seeking to earn money from blogging, as it offers a great opportunity to earn a substantial monetary reward for their efforts in producing valuable content.
However, bloggers in this method write and publish content for free without receiving any specific or fixed monetary compensation, but they earn revenue through the revenue-sharing feature.
To clarify further, revenue-sharing in websites is a method that allows writers and bloggers to earn money through their writings on specific websites that operate with a revenue-sharing feature.
In this system, when a blogger writes an article and it's published on a website, the blogger earns a portion of the money the website earns from advertisements thanks to that article. The website owner then shares a percentage of the profits derived from this article with the blogger who wrote it.
For example, if the website earns $100 monthly from the advertisements displayed on the article you wrote on their site, they might pay you 80% of this money, which is $80 as the article's author. This percentage varies from site to site.
Thus, websites have provided a way to reward good content and incentivize people to write, benefiting both the writer and the website simultaneously.
How to Make Money from Blogging
Step One: Identify the Suitable Blogging Money-Making Method
The first step in your journey to making money from blogging lies in exploring available methods that enable you to achieve this goal, and then selecting the most suitable one based on your preferences, circumstances, interests, and expertise.
In this article, we've mentioned the top four diverse ways to profit from blogging. You can refer to these methods above to determine the optimal approach for you. You can also work with two methods simultaneously, but initially, it's preferable to choose just one method to avoid dispersion and focus on a single area, especially since specialization is crucial for clients.
Don't rush in choosing a blogging money-making method, as working with the wrong method could cost you time and money. Take your time to understand and study each method, starting from understanding its characteristics, advantages, disadvantages, and alignment with your abilities and interests, in addition to its earning potential.
If you'd like my advice, as someone working in this field, regarding the best method among ways to Make Money from Blogging, I'll tell you that the first method is selling articles, and the second method is creating a blog on the Blogger platform and blogging on it.
Step Two: Strengthen Your Expertise in the Chosen Method
Once you've chosen a blogging money-making method that suits you, start researching diverse educational resources that will help you master the details of this method. This will prepare you to work in the marketplace and be fully prepared to receive work requests from clients and execute them according to the required standards. Among the best educational resources we recommend using are:
- YouTube: Using YouTube as an educational tool is a free opportunity for anyone aspiring to learn any field, with millions of educational videos covering various subjects.
- Google Search Engine: Also, don't overlook using the Google search engine in your educational journey within your field, as it contains billions of diverse articles in all forms and languages.
Additionally, make sure to allocate some time daily to learn something new in your field, even if it's for half an hour daily, equivalent to 15 hours monthly and 180 hours yearly. This time is sufficient to develop into a professional and expert in any field.
More importantly, ensure continuous learning and understanding of all information and facts about your field of work to enhance your capabilities, and expertise, and build a clear understanding of what you're working on.
Step Three: Start Working and Earn Money
Once you've acquired information about your field of work, even if it's basic, start working and applying without hesitation.
For example, if you decide to work in content writing and article selling and you can write articles at a basic level, start offering your services on freelance platforms and look for clients within Facebook groups related to website owners.
Ensure to price your services reasonably initially to attract your first client and build new relationships with website owners. Over time, as your value in the market and experience increase, you can gradually raise your service prices.
These are the three main steps that form the roadmap to making money blogging. If you follow the above, God willing, you will succeed in making money through blogging. The most important thing is to continue learning.
Conditions for Making Money Blogging
Making money from blogging requires you to carefully understand its specific conditions before venturing into any steps within this field, to avoid future surprises and prepare for all possibilities. The most important conditions for making money from blogging are as follows:
1. Producing High-Quality Content:
Success in blogging is closely linked to your ability to produce and craft professional content. In methods like selling articles, website owners prefer to work with successful bloggers capable of creating outstanding content. Similarly, in other methods of making money from blogging, you'll need to create high-quality content to achieve success. Therefore, creating high-quality content is an essential condition.
2. Continuous Skill Development:
Some reach a certain level in blogging and believe they're on the right track and everything is fine. However, this mindset could lead to significant losses if you don't continuously develop your skills to keep up with the latest updates and developments and build high value for yourself in the market. Developing skills is a fundamental condition, whether it's through improving your linguistic proficiency, mastering specific aspects of your chosen method of work, or investing in yourself by developing English language skills or communication skills. Do not neglect this aspect because it is extremely important.
3. Specialization in a Specific Field:
It's important to determine your specialization in a specific field by exploring your potential. For example, if you choose to work in the field of selling articles, you should focus on only one area such as health, education, app tutorials, sports, news article writing, etc. Choosing more than one field to work in is not objectionable, but website owners prefer specialization, and I agree with them. Specialization is required, and it doesn't make sense for someone to be asked what they write about and reply that they write about everything, as it's difficult for a person to be an expert in everything. Therefore, specializing in one field and focusing on it are essential conditions in the field of making money from blogging, which makes you an expert in this field and increases demand for your services as a specialized blogger, thereby enhancing your job opportunities.
4. Enhancing Abilities through Free and Paid Courses:
Regardless of the method you choose to make money from blogging, it's essential to understand it well to work efficiently. Subscribing to educational courses, whether free or paid, is an effective way to elevate your skills to a professional level, guided by experts in your field of work. Look for professional experts offering educational courses in your specialized field and engage with them, even if those courses are paid, as the modest financial investment at the beginning of your career is a worthwhile investment.
These are the conditions you need to consider and adhere to to succeed in making money from blogging. Each condition plays a crucial role in building your expertise and reputation in the blogging industry, paving the way for sustainable income and career growth.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Making Money Blogging
- From my humble perspective, the ability to work from home or anywhere else you prefer, and the flexibility to set your work schedule without adhering to specific work hours, are among the greatest advantages of making money from blogging.
- If you have a natural talent for blogging, the field of making money from blogging will offer you various forms of fulfillment; it allows you to pursue your passion for blogging while earning money from it.
- Making money from blogging allows you to express yourself, share your ideas with others, and engage readers' minds in the way you prefer, using your captivating words.
- Blogging can help build your online reputation and enhance your identity or brand. Consequently, you can establish a reputation for yourself as an expert in your specialized field.
- Income from blogging can be inconsistent and unstable, especially in the early stages, where your earnings may vary from month to month.
- You must be prepared to work regularly every day, which may require continuous time and effort.
- Making money from blogging requires time and effort, and significant profits cannot be expected in a short period.
- The field of making money from blogging faces high competition, as you compete with numerous other bloggers.
- It may be challenging to generate sufficient income from blogging to rely on it as a primary source of income.
- Additionally, you may face criticism from individuals who do not agree with your ideas or opinions, which can be an additional challenge for you as a blogger.
These are the advantages and disadvantages you should consider when embarking on the journey of making money from blogging. Understanding these aspects will help you navigate the challenges and leverage the benefits of this field effectively.
Common Mistakes Beginners Make in Making Money from Blogging
- Beginners may start blogging without a clear goal, leading to a lack of focus and failure to achieve desired results.
- Some beginners may be drawn to producing quick content to earn money fast, without paying attention to the quality and value for readers, which can result in disastrous outcomes.
- Beginners often face challenges at the start of their blogging journey, but persistence and learning from mistakes are key to success in this field.
- Learning SEO is essential in selling articles and creating your blog, and neglecting this aspect can significantly reduce your chances of success.
- Instead of writing original content, unfortunately, many new bloggers resort to stealing content and poorly paraphrasing it or using AI programs to write content for them. It's crucial to write unique content in your style with high value to differentiate yourself and attract readers.
- Many new bloggers lack patience in making money and want quick returns, which is a mistake. Focus on enhancing your skills and expertise, and money will come to you when the time is right.